Monday 24 January 2011

illustration friday

This was a little project i did for Illustration Friday, i based my work on Debbie Smyth.

I showed this to my peers at Chesterfield college for a crit. The main pieces of feedback was to paint my board white to make it stand out from the rest and to have used thicker wool instead of cotton to make the chicken stand out more and to define it more.

Monday 10 January 2011

greenwash summary

This is a summary of Greenwash GuideGreenwash is found in advertising, PR or on packaging and is when a company says that something is greener or greener than a rival company when it isn't. Greenwash can be missleading but is not illegal. 

The 10 signs of a greenwash
 1. Fluffy language - words orterms with no clear meaning.
2. Green Products V Dirty Company - Such as efficient light bulbs made in a factory which pollutes rivers.
3. Suggestive Pictures - Green images that indicate a green impact e.g. flowers blooming from exhaust pipes.
4. Irrelevant Claims - Empasising one tiny green attribute when everything else is un-green.
5. Best in Class - Declare you are slightly greener than the rest even if the rest are pretty terrible. 
6. Just not credible - 'Eco friendly' cigarettes anyone? 'Greening' a dangerous product doesn't make it safe. 
7. Gobbledygook - Jargon and information that only a scientist could check or undertand.
8. Imaginary friends - A 'label' that looks like a third party endrsement... except its made up 
9. No proof - It could be right, but where's the evidence? 
10. Out-right lying - Totally fabricated claims or data.